


I truly thank you for your suggestion and for taking the time to respond to
my post. I had wondered about some of the personal information I had read
concerning some antidepressants since I joined the list.  This was the first
antidepressant I was given and it has worked very well for me over the past
10 years. I see a board certified psychiatrist and  is also a board
certified neurologist who prescribed it after first trying three months of
twice weekly counseling sessions . I take the lowest doseage and have had no
side effects from the outset. How I see life now is mostly positive.  For
anyone who has battled this kind of depression it is as night and day to
come out the other side of it. I can not speak for how I would feel if it
brought on pd,  but I can speak for what it is to know that one small pill
has made my life liveable. Now when someone says  isnt it a wonderful day?
I know what that means and feels like;  that even if it is the worst
possible day it is a good day.. for me.

*seattle* audrey   friend of aussie john pwp  48/40/38??

My last addition is to wish with all my heart that there will soon be an end
to all of the suffering and pain, isolation and lonliness that is part of
all of you connected with pd ... where is my fairy god mother now?
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: dopamine

----- Original Message -----
From: Audrey
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 9:21 AM
Subject: dopamine

Hi list ..

A thought struck me after rereading janet marie's comments. Is it a lack of
dopamine in PD or is it the inability to manufacture and distribute dopamine
in the brain? This is a dumb question probably,  and another reason to keep
my mouth shut most likely. If it is the lack of dopamine, does it help to
use antidepressants (as prozac) to help counteract dopamine loss?  I ask
because this is the medication I take each day for clinical depression.  As
I read further about pd, I keep seeing references to restless leg syndrome.
This is caused by the lack of dopamine also I believe, and I have had this
syndrome as long as I can remember..Why then isn't the family of in helping

Dear Audrey.  I am a lurker, but I read your letter and thought I had to
reply, a few years ago I complained to my G.P. of being tired.      I was
concerned because my mother slept  so much. He reccommended Prozac.After 6
wks and no improvement I said I wasstopping. He said I should try a
different drug...Wellbutrin. I took ita day and felt better.suggested I up
the dose ( against my better judgement) and I became violently ill.I
developed a tremor (the beginning of my pd) lost my balance etc..The
neurologist said that the drug did not cause the pd but brought it on early.
Were all different, but if you don't need it or can live without it don't
take it.Sandi