

Hello again, my "long-lost friends"!  And hello for the first time to the
many new members who have joined while I was on "no mail" since December.

Peter and I are now pretty well settled in at our new retirement
community--still under construction all around us---but it will take a
while longer for the lovely "cottage" to really feel like home.   This is
especially true for Peter, who had a pretty rough time during the weeks
before and after the move.....his occasional episodes of disorientation and
paranoia increased, and  it took some fine-tuning of the meds to bring
things back closer to "PD normal" for him.  In the process we learned that
Requip (and probably also other agonists) are even more likely to cause
hallucinations, etc. than plain old Sinemet !

I have continued my work with the CARE list---hard to believe it has been
more than 4 years since I started it!   Sharon Starr, our CARE list-elf has
kindly posted the notices re: CARE for new members while I was "offlist",
and I'll now resume that duty---thanks again, Sharon.

I look forward to connecting with old friends here, and getting to know new
ones,  though the prospect of a bulging mailbox again is a bit daunting!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "