

> No way can anybody ever convince me that God is was or ever will be
> hermaphroditic.

No, no, no, Bob.  Ivan isn't saying that God is a hermaphrodite - obviously,
God is pure spirit and has no sex.  But the language used to describe God is
gender related because we humans can't fathom a sexless God.  We just gotta
'genderize' the spirit world.  Hence, what Ivan is referring to (correct me
if I'm wrong, Ivan) is similar to the Christian understanding of 'Holy
spirit' and the Jewish understanding of 'the spirit of wisdom'.  The
language describing this aspect of God is feminine in the OT.
God bless
Mary Ann
> If you look very carefully, Goddess appears in the
> Old Testament- as the Sabbath Queen, or
> the "Shechina"-the female part of the Ruach Hakodesh,
>  the Breath of the Most Holy.