

All this talk about is God male or female is just that. As long as God and I
are of one accord(communicating),thats all I care about. Shirley
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Ann Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: NON PD: God a woman?

>> No way can anybody ever convince me that God is was or ever will be
>> hermaphroditic.
>No, no, no, Bob.  Ivan isn't saying that God is a hermaphrodite -
>God is pure spirit and has no sex.  But the language used to describe God
>gender related because we humans can't fathom a sexless God.  We just gotta
>'genderize' the spirit world.  Hence, what Ivan is referring to (correct me
>if I'm wrong, Ivan) is similar to the Christian understanding of 'Holy
>spirit' and the Jewish understanding of 'the spirit of wisdom'.  The
>language describing this aspect of God is feminine in the OT.
>God bless
>Mary Ann
>> If you look very carefully, Goddess appears in the
>> Old Testament- as the Sabbath Queen, or
>> the "Shechina"-the female part of the Ruach Hakodesh,
>>  the Breath of the Most Holy.