

Hi JoAnn
Thanks for the quick response!  And yes I have learned alot (tons) in the
last few weeks with much more to go I'm sure.
I'm sorry to say that at this point I cannot tell you too much about the
Patch.  She (my Neurologist) told me that when I go back to see her (March
24) she will start me on a new medication that they are testing.  Well it is
not a new medication, but rather the way a person takes it is new.  Instead
of pills, which she says can have a varied result day to day based on your
digestive is the same medication, taken via a patch.  Because I
have not yet taken any medication for the disease she says I am a "perfect
test case".  Always nice to know you can be perfect at something!!  I told
her that I'd be more than willing to try it out.   I'm more than happy to
keep you posted if you are interested.
Kelly from Calgary
----- Original Message -----
From: JoAnn Coen <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: Hi...I'm New

> Kelly -Welcome to the group. You will learn so mcuh over the next few
> weeks.  But now, you can teach us something.  Tell us about the patch.
> How does it work what does it supply? how long does it last. etc..
> ANYTHING, you can tell us will be beneficial.  Jo Ann from Houston.