

Sorry Ivan I didn't fully read your posting. You did say Minn. Shirley
-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000 3:20 AM
Subject: Anatomy texts for PWP's / Pictures and Drawings

>Hi Shirley and Phil,
>Usually there is a nursing school or medical school somewhere
>near you, where you can order books.  One of many popular  beginner's
>texts, written for an audience that is probably similar to our PIEN
>is Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine Marieb.
>The classic Anatomy atlas for medical students is Grant's Atlas.
>To look at the interior of the brain and spinal cord, you may
>wish to get an Atlas of Neuroanatomy.  One example is
>Neuoranatomy, by Duane Haines.
>There are so many texts that you can easily find Marieb or Grant,
>or a substitute, but atlases of the brain like Haines's are scarcer.
>I was an Anatomy lecturer and laboratory instructor, and later,
>professor, for almost ten years, before PD got a hold of me. This
>includes the University of Minnesota for 3 years, in your midwestern area
>of the United States.
> If anyone on the list, needs help with PD-related
>questions about human anatomy,  I can try to answer them.
>My specialty was teaching medical students how to dissect
>the entire body. I was not a neuroanatomist, however.  My
>speciality was osteology (bones).
>Ivan Suzman
>Hmm. ..Shirley, do you think "Human Anatomy for PWP's"  is a book
>that needs to be written?
>On Thu, 17 Feb:- 2000 01:05:16 -0500 Edward Kleinmeyer
><[log in to unmask]@CVALLEY.NET> writes:
>>Thank you Phil. I will be getting this book. Maybe I can better
>>Janet's postings also. She imparts so much information and I would
>>love to
>>understand it all but I'm not that versed yet. Again thank you.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Phil E.Gesotti <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
>>Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 6:22 PM
>>Subject: Re: Pictures and Drawings
>>>Shirley wrote:
>>>"It's times like these when I wish there were pictures or drawings
>>>see so
>>>I can better understand all this."
>>>Well Shirley have I got a book for you. "Essentials of Neural
>>>and Behavior" by Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell You can buy it at
>>> They had the best price.
>>>book is used for an undergraduate biomedical engineering course at
>>>so it is a lot heavier than the typical patients guide to PD.
>>>Phil Gesotti 50/46+
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
> Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses   clouding up for snow /17 deg. F
>  :-)