

Regarding the article written by Joan Samuelson of PAN and submitted to PIEN
by Charlotte Mancuso.
Will the real John McCain please stand up?

What are McCain's views?   If his signature is worth anything then I don't
believe for a moment that he'll ever back stem cell research.   If McCain
backs the research, but is opposed to the use of human embryos,  then he is
talking out of both sides of his mouth.  Political doublespeak.   If he's
not staunch pro-life then why did Gary Bauer give him his full support?  The
UDALL bill was easy to endorse.  No stand had to be taken on abortion
issues.  Now that the issue has surfaced in the stem cell debate the cloaks
must be removed.

Excerpt from post of Feb. 11, 2000 submitted originally by Charlotte

On the human embryo front, last week, Sen. Pete Domenici, R-NM, a strong
supporter of medical research and chair of the Senate Budget Committee,
Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, presidential candidate and chair of the Senate
Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, and Senate Majority Leader
Trent Lott, R-MS, were among 20 Senators who signed a letter to the
National Institutes of Health opposing the agency's plan to fund
experiments with stem cells derived from human embryos. Last year, a
similar effort attracted the signatures of only seven Senators.
