


Between 5/97 and last October, I've had a series of collagen
injections into my vocal cords (had 6 pairs of injections about 5
or 6 months apart, except for the last ones when my body absorbed
the collagen in about 12 house instead of 3 to 6 months)

The initial injections were marvelous.  All subsequent ones were
performed by a doctor at Kaiser Permanente, my HMO, and were not
administered correctly.  The initial and final injections were
performed by Dr. Gerald Berke  of UCLA and the first doctor to
perform this procedure on a PWP.  He does it regularly now ...

Next I tried speech therapy at Kaiser and found they don't know
didly about PD problems with speech/communication.

Next, a friend who'd gone thru the entire (at $1695 for the
series) series of the Lee Silverman course and after several weeks
of shouting into a voice monitoring device, I quite in
frustration, and am now using a head-set attached to a fairly
small amplifier - made just for folks with VOICE VOLUME problems.

This device cannot correct muscular problems or problems with
one's tongue, but for VOLUME, it's fine.  Cost was $269 including
overnight express mailing.

I do self-monitoring regarding possible slurring of words or
rapidity of speech, and so far it's been fine.

An off-shoot of wearing this voice amplifier is I ALWAYS get a ton
of questions when I wear it in public, and this affords me the
opportunity to tell all and sundry about Parkinson's.   I've also
meet some very nice people who have actually sent donations into
one or another national PD organizations!  NEAT!!!

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Kristi Fleming <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, February 25, 2000 6:01 AM
Subject: hello all!

>I suppose this would be directed to those of you who have
experience with a speech therapist:
>Are there any augmentative communication devices that you have
found useful with Parkinson's patients?
>thank you,
>Kristi F.