

Cats are definitely therapists, when they have bonded with us.  MimiJI (see
her on our webpage)  is MY cat, but when we retire she will come up and tap
my arm to let me know she's there--then settles down for the night by
PETER'S feet--not mine!  he has been won over, needless to say, and enjoys
petting her sometimes, though he was never a cat person till I got ahold of
MimiJi is 1/4 Siamese, though she looks like her black & white "Tuxedo cat"
father.  When another feline trespasses on her territory, we hear her
Siamese voice--but otherwise she whispers.  I'll have to check about the
moon---it's intriguing.....
>Camilla - how interesting about the Egyptians worshiping cats.  My 17year
>old is a registered Siamese and is worshipped by this 1/2 Irish, 1/4
>indian and 1/4 french.  My Turkish Angora is 6 years old and weighs 17
>pounds.  He is the first male cat I've had in 25 years, and believe me,
>he has been an extraordinary challenge. He is so territorial, that he is
>jealous of my love when he comes over. As far as the phase of the Moon is
>concerned.  Just stop and think about how the moon affects the tides,
>etc., and how many auto accidents happen on the full moon, how many
>murders and spousal beatings occur  and just down-to-earth arguments
>happen.  Since my cats, as are all others (I think) are somewhat psychic
>anyway (at least I believe mine know what I'm thinking all the time), and
>they are so instinctive  and sensitive, don't you truly believe they are
>affected by the moon.  By the way, when I bring this up, my love just
>smiles. Jo Ann from Houston
Here, for those who haven't seen them, are useful rules for dealing with
the inevitable stray cats we encounter----
>1. Stray cats will not be fed.
>2. Stray cats will not be fed anything except dry cat food.
>3. Stray cats will not be fed anything except dry cat food moistened with
>a little milk.
>4. Stray cats will not be fed anything except dry cat food moistened with
>warm milk, yummy treats and leftover fish scraps.
>5. Stray cats will not be encouraged to make this house their permanent
>6. Stray cats will not be petted, played with or picked up and cuddled
>7. Stray cats that are petted, played with, picked up and cuddled will
>absolutely not be given a name.
>8. Stray cats with or without a name will not be allowed inside the house
>at any time.
>9. Stray cats will not be allowed inside the house except at certain times.
>10. Stray cats will not be allowed inside the house except on days ending
>in "y".
>11. Stray cats allowed inside will not be permitted to jump up on or
>sharpen their claws on the furniture.
>12. Stray cats will not be permitted to jump up on, or sharpen claws on
>the really good furniture.
>13. Stray cats will be permitted on all furniture but must sharpen claws
>on new $114.99 sisal-rope cat-scratching post with three perches.
>14. Stray cats will answer the call of nature outdoors in the sand.
>15. Stray cats will answer the call of nature in the three-piece, high-
>impact plastic tray filled with Fresh'n'Sweet kitty litter.
>16. Stray cats will answer the call of nature in the hooded litter pan
>with  a three-panel privacy screen and plenty of head room.
>17. Stray cats will sleep outside.
>18. Stray cats will sleep in the garage.
>19. Stray cats will sleep in the house.
>20. Stray cats will sleep in a cardboard box lined with an old blanket.
>21. Stray cats will sleep in the special Kitty-Komfort-Bed with non-
>allergenic lamb's wool pillow.
>22. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed.
>23. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed, except at the foot.
>24. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the covers.
>25. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the covers
>except at the foot.
>26. Stray cats will not play on the desk.
>27. Stray cats will not play on the desk near the computer.
>28. Stray cats are forbidden to walk on the computer keyboard on the desk
>when the human is asdfjjhhkl;ljfd.;oier' puyykmm4hbdm9lo9jmdskdm,. USING

        Shalom and Love, Camilla
        <[log in to unmask]>

        also on PDWebring at :

                ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** *  *
                  Cats took many thousands of years
                      to domesticate humans!
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