

At 08:38 AM 02/23/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Audrey, I have one male dog that if I don't tell him (i'm going to get the
>mail) will howl like a baby.


fred our beagle does that too! if you EVEN think about getting the mail or
the paper with out him....woowoowoowoowooowoooowoooooooo...too cute!

but then again did I tell you all we have a pet cow! (steer) gonna be 9
months old on the 25th! he is such a boob...

not to mention 3 cats, 3 other dogs, 2 tiels, one canary and one parakeet!

our beagle fred is bob's dog...they are best buddies...he is good for bob

Coleen :)

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