

At 10:44 PM 2000/02/26 -0500, you wrote:
>dear janet,
>thanks for your quick response and research.  i guess i
>forgot to mention that i don't think it is saliva because
>he is retching and it is more like phlegm.  does that
>ring any bells?

hi sue

i am no medico
but after hearing about all of our varied experiences over the past four years
i wouldn't be surprised if your father is suffering throat problems
which might be directly tied in to parkinson symptoms

thicker-than-usual saliva can sometimes indicate a lack of hydration
[i have heard it described as 'ropey']

if your father is having swallowing problems
he could be chronically dehydrated, a whole other problem in itself
[not unusual in parkies or residents of long term care facilities]

has your father been examined by a parkinson/movement disorder specialist?
how many other parkies have your father's current medical consultants treated?

this may not be pd related
it's best to consider all possibilities
has your father been examined by a throat specialist?


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
a new voice:
613 256 8340 PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario Canada K0A 1A0