

I've been out of the fray of the list for a while- taking a self-imposed
leave.  I had been successfully trying to rescue my address book which had
vanished from my screen for several months.   Then I was out  of the flow of
things and missed getting back with things and behind on my mail.

 I commend  Joan Samuelson on her letter to the Washington Post.  I think
that John McCain is basically a good person and he will do what is right
when push comes to shove-  especially since he will owe little to the Right
wing of his party.   What we know of him is his loyalty and devotion to Mo
Udall and his watching PD slowly destroy him.  Politically Greg-  he is
playing the political game of not alienating the  Right Wing of his party
otherwise he cannot win the nomination.  Look what happened in New Hampshire
when he said that the family should sit down and talk about a hypothetical
pregnancy that his daughter had.  The fact that it was open to discussion
was enough to set off the Religious Right (what happened to family
communication?-  It all should go one way when abortion is considered- from
top- (the father) down.  I support John McCain  at this point but will be
watching carefully to see his true leanings on Choice and stem cells and
Medical Research.  I have never voted for a Republican for national office
but if he is nominated he will likely be my first.

I did get my stem cell letter off to NIH as well.

I will be going to New York City tomorrow for a needed change of scenery
(and  a convention for my wife).  If anyone from the New York City area
would like to get together I would like to do that.  I will have my laptop
so will have access to e-mail.  I hope to meet some of you.
Charles T. Meyer, M.D.
Middleton(Madison) WI
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