

Dear Reverend McCarthy,
You gave us a long list of why not to vote for McCain.
But you did not answer the very important question brought up by Joan
Samuelson and dear to the heart of most PWP.  I am referring to her ProHope
article in the Washington Post.  (It was on the server, but if you want, I'll
send you a copy on request.)
Statement to lay groundwork for the Question:
Even if abortion were illegal, there will probably be legal abortions for
certain conditions.
And there will always be (Unfortunately) fetal tissue from miscarriages.
And there will be leftover eggs from fertility programs.
Would you prefer these products get ash-canned when they could be used for
research and possibly save human suffering?
I would appreciate your answer and the reasoning behind your conclusion.
[log in to unmask]  (A Registered Republican against abortion.)