

Subject: rest of the story

                     part 3 final of saga   [ i hope]
         wednesday morning  ---a look at damage !!!!
  quite a shock to see half the tree was on the ground.12 inch diameter
and about 40 feet long with branches spread all over the yard.  what to do?
thank GOD we live in a small community. within 4 hours i was able to get
yard cleaned up
 and tree parts cut into manageable logs,made arrangement for window
and called insurance company.
    our kids were ticked off because i didn/t tell jack about mess.since dr.
was checklng
him for stroke or heart problems i was not giving him any reason to be
   due to weather problems dr. had to send him 26 miles by ambulance down
mt. for eeg test
and ultra sound for carodid arteries. it took all day and i had to get my
son-in-law to take the
day off work because i had to be there annd 3 of our sons were commited to
be out of time and
i couldn't locate other son for 3 days and his car was out of commission.
when got back to mt. hospital our dear dr. cut into her off time and greeted
us with good
 news--all tests fine and he was released to come home.
    we are grateful for medical care by local staff and doctors.
         i can now catch my breath .i want to thank the people on list i had
a lot that helped me not to panic and it really made a difference.