

To list participants,
I had a left deep brain Activa electronic stimulator implanted by Shumaker
and Company in Sarasota FL on Oct 17,99.  I was hoping for a reduction in
meds and a raising of the floor on off times. I did not get either one
however,... I had been suffering from a severe case of Sudden Sleep Syndrome
(SSS). I have wrecked two Jeep Cherokee's, had severe damage to a number of
sports cars, 4 trees in the naiberhood etc. I would like to point out that
these accidents, rather crashes, all happened at a time when there was "no
precieved threat". So there is some built in protection for people and
things you don't want to hurt, but this is not near good enough, You have to
take yourself off the road until you can establish that you no longer have
SSS. I fell asleep while reading the agenda at an airport board meeting that
I chaired, I fell asleep out for dinner with freinds, and I fell asleep
during converstions and counceling sessions.

Also I did not dare take one alcoholic drink or beer for fear of embarassing
myself by babelling spilling etc. I would wake up during the night and want
a bowl of cereal and I would drop it while eating it. I had to hire my
sister to accompany me wherever, how would you like to have your sister
along on a date for instance, it's dibilitating.

Since the DBS everyone says I am much better even over the phone, even when
I'm off poeple say oh yea but you are much better. I believe that they are
talking about my general alertness, lack of masking, and reducition of
antsyness Gotta Go Syndrome.

I do feel much better I am fully capable of taking care of myself and have
been spending my winter in FL, darn, that's weather 80 and sunny every day.

Please write to me directly, I have 2800 unread documents in my PD file, I
would especially like to hear anything that would assure me that the car
crushing monster SSS has been eliminated.

I am taking 1 reg Senomet and one Parlodel every 2 hours, and when I go to
bed I use a controlled release or two, and a trazadone, Plus four Amantidine
in the AM.

I am expecting to do the other side late fall, because what I have learned
is that people with both sides done have in fact reduced or eliminated meds.