

A feeding tube is a plastic tube inserted through one nostril and passed into the stomach.  It is
not a surgical procedure.  A high caloric, high vitamin liquid (like Ensure) is administered into
the stomach when a person is unresponsive or unable to swallow or eat solid foods.  My
wife's grandmother just had one in after she suffered a stroke.


> ** Original Subject: Re: Feeding Tube
> ** Original Sender: Gordon Seese <[log in to unmask]>
> ** Original Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 21:44:15 -0500

> ** Original Message follows...

> At 02:30 PM 3/3/00 -0500, Allan Rosenberg wrote:
> >Can anyone describe for me their experience with a Feeding Tube. How it
> >works, what is fed into it,etc.
> >
> >Thanks,  Allanros
> >
> >A dear friend here did not understand the implications of the feeding
> tube, that it is inserted surgically and is not removed when the patient
> wanted it out--in his case a few days. It was a horrible, depressing
> experience. Our advice is talk this over with your physician
> carefully..T.L. Seese Cg Gordon 71/21

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **
