

My mother-in-law, aged 83, has been diagnosed with PD since 1977.  Following
a fall 3 years ago and a subsequent broken hip, she is wheel-chair confined
and in a full care nursing center.  My father-in-law is a retired
neurologist who in fact diagnosed her condition after observing her
symptoms.  He is aging rapidly (85) and not really rational when discussing
her situation.  Lately she is getting ornery and stubborn, and very
emotional.  This is NOT her usual temperament.  In addition, although she is
on a mechanical diet, meaning her food is ground up, she is beginning to
have problems swallowing.  With all the info on the net about PD, I can't
find any regarding the long term prognosis of this disease, and also info
regarding symptoms seen as the body deteriorates.  Any help would be most
appreciated.  Are there neurologists on the listserv?  Thanks in advance.
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