

I have just added the Kenwood (Cincinnati, Ohio) Group's web page on my
list of support groups.  It should be easy to find from my cover page for
support groups:

The thought comes to mind that there are many other support group web pages
that could be linked into this support group directory - as does the
thought that over the past year many things have changed - new support
groups have been formed, others dissolved, meeting times changed, cognizant
people and their phone numbers have changed too.

In addition, I know that a few errors crept in because of my inaccurate typing.

To keep this list a useful resource, may I ask for your input?  You know -
additions, corrections, deletions - the whole nine yards.


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At 12:08 PM 3/4/00 , Barry Thomas wrote (copied with permission):
>The Kenwood Parkinson Support Group now has a web page.  Perhaps you
>could place a link to our site in your table.
>The URL is:
>Any feedback you have is welcome.  Thanks for including us in your page!
>-Barry Thomas
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