

Margie wrote to Linnea with some excellent suggestions, including joining
the CARE list--which I had also done  privately, with instructions.

>You and your family are really having a difficult time of it right now.  My
>first suggestion to you would be to join the CARE list, which is for
>caregivers of Parkinsonians.  You'll find a number of people on the list
>dealing with similar problems.  If you'd like, I'll send instructions for

I agree with all that has been said in response to Linnea's post, and in
addition I would urge her not to be too hard on her mother, who is
apparently at her wit's end and unable to cope---a condition not unknown to
many of us.  I would guess that she is not only angry, but also terrified
with the way their lives have been taken over by PD dementia, and at a loss
how to deal with the changes in her husband.  Assuming that this has been a
basically loving relationship, it must be all the harder for her to
comprehend the changes in his behavior now.  Is it possible that in
addition to PD dementia , he also has Alzheimer's  ?  Have any of the
anti-psychotic drugs been tried?  (Clozaril, Zyprexa, Seroquel).
It is true that unless there can be some improvement, a NH placement may be
best--and safest--for all concerned, difficult as that may be.
Please, Linnea, DO join us on CARE as soon as you can--you have the
instructions and I hope to see you there soon!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "