

I have had a stiff neck now going on a year. Neither my neuro, my orthopedist
and now a physiatrist(sp?) think it is PD related and I think I that it is
most likely arthritis. I won't bore you with the various things which have
been attempted since that is not my current subject. Add to the neck
problems, problems sleeping which are probably in some way PD related. As a
result of both problems, my physiatrist is prescribing amitriptyline, 10 mg,
which he says is a mild dose and should work both as a sleep aid and a
painkiller. He further says that in larger doses it is an antidepressant,
which I don't need.

I found the drug in Kathryn Holden's drug database but it doesn't mention one
way or the other whether it is contraindicated for PD or not. Experiences

Paul H. Lauer