

This is just a note to let all of you out there know of a new on-line service with which the PDF has recently partnered.  It's an on-line shopping club.
I was rather hesitant when I was first approached by the salesman for the site.  But, the more I learned about why they set up this business, how they plan to run it and their current successes, I was convinced.
The site is called and is linked to the PDF site (located at  They have a wide variety of quality, well-known stores from which you can purchase items - from low-cost to high-cost and everything in between.  Buy for your office or for your home, garden and pets.  Everything is delivered right to your door (helpful if you can't or don't want to go to a mall and then carry home your purchases).  Unlike other on-line shopping clubs, there is no minimum purchase required either per sale or per year.
AND, 15% of every purchase can be directed as a donation to your favorite charity - as chosen from their list of beneficiaries - in this case, the Parkinson's Disease Foundation.  In fact, this month, we're the "default" charity (if someone doesn't specify a charity, their 15% goes to us).  Pretty neat, eh?
So, I'm asking those who do buy on-line or who are thinking of trying it out to go through  The people who run the site are a good bunch of individuals (one of the founders' Fathers has PD).  It's a good way to support PD research.
Anyway, enough advertising.  It just seemed like a good partnership and something that might be worthwhile to pass along.
Jeanne Lee-Rosner