

Just checking in to say hello and to report that my nephew Thomas (Coach T
the Terrible) and I finished the LA Marathon in 9 hours and 18 minutes.  I
sprinted the last block and did a little "Rocky" dance.  It was a soggy
once-in-a-lifetime experience.  I came in as number 17,046 which means I
"beat" 6,000 people, most of whom must have had the good sense to quit.

Yesterday I went back to work. I'll tell the tale in  more detail.  The
most important part is the feeling that you-all were out there, buoying  me
up.  Thank you.

[log in to unmask]

We're still counting the contributions, and more keeps rolling in. The
final count will probably be made at the end  of the month.  It looks like
we made enough for 2 seed grants --
funding research projects that could attract big grants from the NIH.