

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses     36 snowy      deg. F   :-)
Dear friends,

My blood glucose was measured at 85, and then 26
just fifteen minutes later,at the doctor's office yesterday.  The second
(26) seems too low, as if the blood glucose monitor needed

Does anyone know if Sinemet ( or L-dopa) can either
depress or elevate blood sugar?  The pharmacy
lieterature supplied to me whenever I get a refilled Rx,
warns of the possibilty of False Positive tests for diabetic patients.

Is PD the cause of low blood sugar?

Could off-periods be, or coincide with, low-sugar periods?

Sometimes, sweet juices diluted with water bring me
out of an off-period, with NO medications. I am now  trying
to learn if I am sometimes slightly over-medicated , when all I really
might need is a changed diet, one which frees more sugar to the

Would anyone with experience or insight please comment?
Katherynne Holden?


Ivan Suzman