

Does This Mean if We Cross Bread Lions and Cows?
Don't answer that question. I have a much more serious question.  Who funded these studies and do they get enough sleep or have strong jaws. I don't want to give sedatives to the cow's in the field or give chewing gum to felines around the world, but I would gladly agree to sleep more and chew gum more except that I wouldn't have enough money to buy the gum. I would be jobless. We are such a study in contrasts. I heard someone this morning criticize an owner of a hockey teem for being cheap and almost in the same sentence stated pro athletes are overpaid, spoiled and not held to the same standard as everyday folk. 
 I can see the college hippocampuses now. Gum slobber everywhere. Teachers eschewing "did you bring enough gum for everyone?" Marketers developing campaigns around "Our gum Chewzzzzs lasts twice as long, has a hardener in it to build jaw, and it aids in longer and deeper rem sleep.  It is recognized by the American Dental Society and 9 out of  10 sleep pathologists recommend Chewzzzzs as the gum dreams are remembered by.


Wait I've got more, I can't quite remember what it is. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

