

Dear Ivan-- you might try posting the question to one or both of these
websites from my resource list:
"This website is maintained by the U. of Cincinnati , Case Western Reserve
U., and  Ohio State U.
Among other things, you can ask  questions of  doctors in many specialties.
The URL is

Ask Dr. Arif Dalvi (Peter's neuro) about PD. Click on  the Ask an Expert
section, then click on Parkinsons in the list of diseases.  You'll get a
brief answer in a couple of days."


"This page of the NPF website is a good place to get
information, similar to the Ask An Expert page on the NetWellness site I
have recommended.  Please make use of it when you are curious, need info to
prepare for a neuro appointment, etc.


It is simple to "join", and you can also read messages without joining.
When you search for a word, you will get a list of mssages, and if you
highlight one and click on "view message" it will appear."

Ivan wrote in part--->
>   Can anyone  PLEASE try to explain what the following statements
>mean? I have quoted the literature that comes with both my Sinemet CR
>25/100 and my carbidopa-levodopa 25/100 tablets:
>      "This medication can cause false results in urine
>glucose testing in diabetes." TesTape should be used to
>test urine for accurate results."
>So does taking L-dopa RAISE BLOOD SUGAR??
> Neither of my doctors know from experience what this literature really
>I have called Boston University PD clinic, and no specific  experience
>there with this.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "