

>From: Sid Levin <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [log in to unmask] & his lambast of McCain
>Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 17:44:26 -0500
>Dear Reverend McCarthy,
>You gave us a long list of why not to vote for McCain.
>But you did not answer the very important question brought up by Joan
>Samuelson and dear to the heart of most PWP.  I am referring to her ProHope
>article in the Washington Post.  (It was on the server, but if you want,
>send you a copy on request.)
>Statement to lay groundwork for the Question:
>Even if abortion were illegal, there will probably be legal abortions for
>certain conditions.
>And there will always be (Unfortunately) fetal tissue from miscarriages.
>And there will be leftover eggs from fertility programs.
>Would you prefer these products get ash-canned when they could be used for
>research and possibly save human suffering?
>I would appreciate your answer and the reasoning behind your conclusion.
>[log in to unmask]  (A Registered Republican against abortion.)

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