

Hi Murray and Janet and Barbara and PIEN:

First, an important bit of weather news:

Greetings from Maine, where yesterday we were treated
to two certain harbingers of the long-awaited spring:

melodious American robins, searching for worms
on newly-bared ground, between patches of quickly melting snow,


beautiful skeins of honking Canadian geese,
northward-bound, to ponds and shores which are awakening
alongside forests yet untouched by human hands....


Now on to the PIEN list of countries in which members reside:

There is a way to fine-tune the number of PIEN members in
each nation ,  listed  for us in "The Way We Were....".

How about a simple e-mail survey of those of us on PIEN who
live in a different nation from that which has been assumed?

   Could Janet  possibly devise a simple survey, based
on the last three letters of a PIEN member's e-mail address?

Ivan :-)

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        48   deg. F

        deg. F   :-)