

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        27   heavy snow  deg. F
Dear PIEN, and Mary Ann and Patricia,

  I'm going through a lot now, with blood sugar way too low,
and all kinds of mood changes, and feeling extremely tired.
Plus we are being walloped by another fierce snowstorm.

   Can anyone  PLEASE try to explain what the following statements
mean? I have quoted the literature that comes with both my Sinemet CR
25/100 and my carbidopa-levodopa 25/100 tablets:

      "This medication can cause false results in urine
glucose testing in diabetes." TesTape should be used to
test urine for accurate results."

So does taking L-dopa RAISE BLOOD SUGAR??

 Neither of my doctors know from experience what this literature really
I have called Boston University PD clinic, and no specific  experience
there with this.

I have also asked friends in my support group. Same lack of personal
experience with this question.



My own blood-sugar story:LOW (minimum, 26;
maximum, 98)

   When I feel worn down, and am in an off-
period, I am now trying any of the 5 alternatives below,
to raise my blood sugar, which is all over the place,
but always lower than 100.  So far, I have had
blood sugar measured at 75 (after lunch), 98 ( 40 minutes
after Sinemet  CR 25/100 + carbidopa/levodopa 25/100 combined dose,
26 (in very bad off-period just before medications taken), 85 (in
at doctor's office) and 26 again(later in same doctor's office visit).

To elevate blood sugar quickly, I use(1) orange juice,
or other citrus juice, or fruit juice, (2) a piece of a chocolate bar,
plus as much water as possible, (3) tomato juice
with lemon or lemon juice in it ( especially if I need medicine
 at thesame time) or (4) hard candies,
or (5) if I also feel hungry, butter and honey on
a slice of wheat bread.

 Peanut butter can giveme protein blockage,
and make things worse.

Have you tried measuring blood sugar at home with
the One Touch glucoscanmeter, or with Accucheck?

Do either one of you  recommend any particularly easy-to-use
blood sugar measuring device?

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 05:20:03 -0500 Patricia Hewitt
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Ivan,
> I am a insulin dependent diabetic. At first I clung on to the false
> hope that sinemet was causing my sugar to rise. Then my
> neuroologist told me it was not due to my medication. My sugar
> rose to 520 and I could harly move from weakness, I also thought I
> was going blind Io could not see clearly. After insulin my sugar is
> down  to 350. I also have acid reflux which causes me to throw up.
> At this time my sugar can drop. It has gone down to 40. These are
> the instructions for a sugar drop given to me by my internist.
> Eat a half of peanut butter sandwich
> or drink 1 cup of fruit Juice
> or two peices of hard candy
> 0r 1/2 a can of soft drink
> It works. I can tell my sugar drops because I get shaky, have a
> headache and become dizzy. I do find a sugar drop increases my
> tremor. I have a diabetic diet designed by my doctor. The doctor
> says it will be good for my daughter also. She has low blood sugar.
> If you need the diet i can e mail it to you. sorry you are going
> through this.
> Patricia Hewitt
> [log in to unmask]