

Dear PIEN members,

Congratulations to Jeanna and to Hilary, and to all those
in their communities who may have helped them arouse
enough interest to be interviewed in the Washington Times.

   One of the editors of the Portland Press-Herald  has recently
received my Senate Testimony from U.S. Senator Snowe's
office in Portland. This is what I submitted to the Appropriations
Committee of the United States Senate, and was on PIEN, last
September 28. She has called me to tell me that she plans
to send a reporter to interview me about Parkinson's Disease, on
the 27th or 28th of this month.

  I hope this happens. If it does, we PWP's may get another voice,
some more exposure.  The Press-Herald was until about
a year or so ago, one of the Gannett newspapers,
and now has been bought by the Blethen newspaper chain.

  This would be my FIRST major chain-newspaper interview!

  Jeanna and Hilary have done us a great service, and
I hope many more of us can interest our local newspapers,
especially with Parkinson's Awareness month coming up.

  I hope to explain to the reporter why I am pushing
for research to CURE the disease, and why so many of
us try to become advocates for a disease still not very
well understood.

I also hope I can explain that, as far as I can tell,
for most persons with Parkinson's, surgery is a very
risky and uncertain path taken only if many other avenues
are no longer possible, and is most likely to be considered
by either those with the money and support, or those who
have seen their futures cut off by the early onset of PD, and
who try to struggle on notwithstanding the uncertainties ahead.

Edie, maybe a Baltimore paper could interview you--it's worth
exploring.  You would be a great advocate (you already are)!!

Ivan Suzman
Portland, Maine

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 21:16:02 -0500 "Edie Luther." <[log in to unmask]>
> You couldn't miss the article.  It caught your eye, even if you were
> only flipping through the paper.  Exposure  is what we want and
> exposure
> is what we got.
> Edie
> 65/46/42

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       30    deg. F   :-)