

Hi Chloe--
The card is a good idea for one who is cognitively OK and can use it.
There is also a small, handheld electronic device which is a mini-word
processor, you can type a message or program it for a few you use often.
Again, great if the problem is ONLY speech, and  thought processes are not

>The person I wrote about originally, has had her medication altered,
>and this has made another difference.  A card with large printed
>letters to be pointed at when she talks to slow down her speech is
>almost miraculous in its effect.  But she is having to overcome her
>embarrassment at using this.
>I still haven't found out which PD+ she has - because her husband
>won't tell us (doesn't want to worry us!!), but her 'symtoms' don't
>quite follow any of the ones mentioned in any of the websites.  There
>are similarities, but it doesn't describe her accurately.  But all
>individuals are just that - INDIVIDUAL!

Your idea of having work done in the garden is wonderful, and especially as
she sees folks DO want to help HER.  Great idea!
>As she has been a life-long gardener, I have organised a group of 8
>friends to go around in 2 weeks time to 'renovate' her garden.  She
>was amazed that our friends would actually come in and help us! And
>just for her!!
>All I can say is that PD plus will affect you differently than PD.
>And the medications will not make such an effect - or for as long -
>but then, I have the experience of only 1 person with this condition.
>As always - stress and worry make *everything* worse.  Even in
>'healthy' people!

Amen to that!
>But each hurdle - just ask here for advice, information, support - for
>instance, several people have contacted me about this card for helping
>speech - it's easy to make your own.  But it does have to be worked
>at.  Has anyone else used this card?  I don't know if it's just used
>in the UK or not...
>Love to you all
>CG for Chris(!) whose Mum is PD+ (mid60's, dx 5 PD, dx 2 PD+)

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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also, on PDWebring at

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                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "