

Hello to all,

I am new to the list and am looking for some
help.  I am 53 now,  46 when diagnosed with PD.  I
take the following meds: Sinemet CR 200/50 (4x),
and Mirapex  .75 mg. {3x}.  The problem I am
having which I have not heard too many people with
PD talk about is muscle spasms in my feet.  My
right foot clenches tightly with toes curled down,
and my left foot follows by toes curling upward.
This happens most mornings shortly after getting
up, and can happen before or after taking meds.
During the day my right foot seldom bothers me,
but around med. time, if I am under stress, my
left foot will act up, along with my left leg,
which gets totally rigid if I am walking any
distance, or even standing by a counter working.
It takes very little stress to bring this on.  I
do daily stretching exercises, as well as some
strength training, but this has not solved the
problem.  This has been happening for the last
year and a half.  Any suggestions?


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