

Dear Linda Herman- This is for Fred, and Barbara,

Hello from IVAN

Perhaps  the amount of milligrams per dose of
Barbara's Tasmar should be cut back.  Combined with Sinemet,
dyskinesia can occur, though I don't know about "thrashing"
dyskinesia, as Fred called it.

.  I take 1/2 of a 100 mg  tablet of Tasmar, just 4 times a day.
My doses of Tasmar are only 50 mg each.  This works very
well for me.

Is she taking 3 x 100mg, or 3 x 200 mg, in each day?

Was she spacing  each dose of Tasmar to once every 4 to 6 hours?

It is a powerful medication, that works very well for me,
taken once every four hours, but not more frequently.

Hoping this helps.  ROOTING for the two of you!

Ivan Suzman

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 06:35:10 -0500 Linda J Herman <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear listmembers,
>       Our friend and fellow list-member  Barbara Blake-Krebs is in
> the
> ICU of University of Kansas Medical Center Hospital in Kansas City

>   He asked that I post the following to the list and welcomes
> any
> suggestions you could offer on Barb's problems. (CUT...


> Barb -  keep up the fight.
> Linda Herman
>      For some time Barbara has had a lot of dyskenisia right after
> taking
> her
> Sinemet  25/100  7to 8 tablets daily  1 or 2 tablets at a time 5 or
> six
> times
> a day.  She also takes 3 mirapex daily, 0ne at a time and 3 Tasamar
> daily,
> (CUT...

>  During Spring Break March 13-17  I was home and she had some more
> violent "thrashing" episodes on 3/14 and 3/15,