

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         62  deg. F   :-)
Dear friends,

In today's Portland Press-Herald, (Maine), a Blethen
newspaper,  there is a full-column story by Joshua L. Weinstein,
that appeared on p. 2 of the Local and State section,

   "Group seeks Parkinson's specialists."

The ":group" is the Maine Parkinson's community. The story can be
found until early next Wednesday morning, April 5, at,  and subsequently, in the Archives link.

Click on "NEWS" in the banner across the top of the
 page, and go towards the bottom of the page that
then appears. The story appears just after
a story about cellular research, and just above obituaries
(oh well, at least we're noticed!)

I was fortunate to be interviewed and quoted , along with
our fellow PIEN member, Karen Bardo, also a Maine
young-onset PD patient.

Ifs there anyone on the PIEN list can help to download the
story onto PIEN?  My computer is acting up and I cannot
do this for you at the moment.

Ivan Suzman

