

hi, i have just found a copy of my friend anne's hand exercises. she kept her
pd symptom s at bay for 37 years doing these exercises.
if you send me your snailmail address off list i shall send them to you. Sorry
folks this is the last copy - any others interested will have to wAit for me
top request copoies from


>         Juanita how are you ? I am 38 young they told me I had PDabout 2 yr
> ago , but I  talk to my other DR today and we believe I had this about 10 yrs
> ago they just didn't know what it was. I can't grip things  ,they slip out ,
> when I am drinking  out of a glass , it goes . To drive I can't stand it .
> Hope your husband is doing well , and thank you for your time .
>                                 Audrey C.