

          Thanks to all who informed me about the bugs in the new Medieval
Drama in Translation Website.  I think I have solved the problems.  Those of
you who were using Netscape as your principal browser and who were turning
up only blank pages or error messages should now be able to access the
entire site.
          Once again, the URL is:
          Be sure to use a HYPHEN (not a DOT) in the "arts-sciences" part of
the address.
          Two simple lessons for other website designers on the list:  (1)
Every <td> requires a </td>, and (2) check all your work through every
available browser.  Microsoft Explorer (which I was using) is apparently
much more forgiving and Netscape is much more finicky about errors in HTML
          Thanks again for your patience.  I regret any inconvenience the
bugs may have caused.  And please continue to pass along suggestions for
additions and corrections.
Steve Wright  [log in to unmask]
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC