

>Seroquel- I have a question re: this drug.   .It has been pescribed  to
>improve sleep by lessening bad dreams  and confusion  broght on by the use of
>Sinemet. Has any one had background with this usage.

Hi-- Peter takes Seroquel to combat hallucinations and confusion---and yes,
Sinemet does cause "active" sometimes violent dreams.  I never heard of
using either Seroquel or Clozaril for "improving sleep", but that should be
a side benefit, as hallucinations are lessened..
While doses are individual, I note that in  Peter's case, he is not to take
more than 4 a day of the 25mg pills, and they should be 4 hours apart, his
neuro says. You can find lots of posts re: Seroquel in the archives.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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