

Friends-- this is a message I have sent to CARE members, and I think it
bears repeating here on PIEN.  I expect "list-elf Janet" would be glad to
check such messages BEFORE you post them or forward them, and we ask
CAREfolks to check with Jeff or me if they can't check one of the websites

>Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 14:28:17 -0400
>From: Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: NON-PD: Re: Urban Legends and Hoaxes
>Because there are always new list members who haven't encountered these
>"urban legends and hoaxes"  (I was one of them once!)  I am posting this
>reminder, in the hope of saving us all time, trouble and bandwidth!
>The internet is a-wash with information, and not all of it is credible by
>a long shot.  To coin a phrase, "it's a jungle out there", and there are
>plenty of unscrupulous and mean-spirited people who get a kick out of
>sending these junk messages ---a feeling of power and importance, perhaps?
>A good rule of thumb is NEVER to FORWARD a post that claims to be  a
>"warning" or  tell of a disaster--NO MATTER WHO IT IS  "FROM" , without
>first checking it out.  Any name or "credential" can be attached to this
>stuff---and has been.
>There are a number of websites that are devoted to checking these posts
>and verifying or discrediting them.
>The one I use most is  . There you will
>find the details on literally hundreds of these posts, information similar
>to what I just posted about the "kidney thieves" hoax on the main list or
>the "spunkball" probable hoax here on CARE.
>Other sites include:
>   re: safety of Aspartame
>Don't be embarrassed if you fall for one of these--but learn from the
>experience and check it FIRST, and that goes for the "virus warnings" too,
>as many of them are hoaxes.
>Makes you wonder what kind of person gets his/her "jollies" out of such

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "