

>    I have an English friend, presently residing in Houston, Texas, who
>was diagnosed with PD last June.  He is returning home to England next
>week for a short visit.  He is active in several PD support groups here
>in Houston and is interested in learning about PD organizations, support
>groups, and individuals he might be able to contact in and around
>Stratford-on-Avon while there next week.  I would appreciate any names,
>addresses, and/or phone numbers that I can pass on to him.  Please reply
>either to the LISTSERV or to my personal e-mail address:
>[log in to unmask]
>    Looking forward to some replies, thank you,
>        Donald H. "Tod" Morman     (age 72, dx 1986, onset about 1984)

Donald--here's a start from my resource file--the NPF center in Rngland
would know how to reach the UK resources,I'm sure.

 As we often get inquiries about PD resources in other countries
than the USA, I was interested to note that the National PD Assn. supports
affiliated Centers of Excellence in 9 other countries:
        China, Argentina, The Netherlands, Japan (2), ENGLAND, France,
Israel (2),
 Canada (2), and Spain.


In the United Kingdom-- Contact Eileen Atkinson, <[log in to unmask]>
about the Parkinson's Disease Society which is supportive in many ways, and
also  YAPP&RS.  It stands for "Young Alert Parkinson People & Relatives".
It was started originally for the young-onset Parkinsonians,   It's very
good for those
who fall into this category.  She will supply information and addresses.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "