

>     My father was diagnosed about a week ago.   He is taking a drug
>called Mirapex.  I guess that this drug is about 2  years old.  He lives
>in Illinois and he needs to be active all the time -  he worksout every
>other day.  My question is - does anybody have any  information about this
>drug? and what about the drug called levodpa?  I  have heard that l-dopa
>wears off after a few years which is why he is taking  Mirapex?  Any
>comments will be great.     Thanks for the newsletters on Web sites for
>PD.  My Dad does not have a computer so I need to gather as much
>information on this as I can.    Thanks! Dan in  Wisconsin

Hi Daniel-- I have a couple of suggestions for you:

1.  Check the list archives and you will find MANY posts about Mirapex.
People's  experiences vary widely. It is one of the agonists that increases
the effectiveness of Sinemet, and may be used alone in early treatment. But
it, like the other PD drugs, CAN cause hallucinations , especially if it is
added to Sinemet without appropriate reductions in the latter.  Be aware
that NO 2 PWPs have the SAME experience of drugs, symptoms, etc.

2.  Join the CARE list for caregivers of PWPs.  You will find it a great
help in finding your way in this unknown territory known as "PD".  Since
you may have joined PIEN after I last posted these instructions, here's how
to do it:

>To join the CARE LIST for CGs of PWPs, send  in body of post  (not on
>subject line) to:
>       [log in to unmask]
>this command:  subscribe CARE  your full name
> no signature, please.
>You will be added to the list, and will receive further instructions.
>If you have problems,     for CARE ask Camilla Flintermann
><[log in to unmask]>
>                     or Jeff Jones (co-owner) <[log in to unmask]>

Glad you can be helpful to your father.....

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

also, on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "