

now i see this the other way around. i have been teaching beginners since i
was 15 and first got my teaching diploma.  ANd i find it makes a much better
piano student if the child already knows how to read.  Not necessarily
fluently, but understands the concept that the little black squiggles on the
page represent certain distinct  sounds - ie the patterns i supppose are laid
down in  her brain and she  understands the concept o reading. once that is
achieved, it is much easier for the music eacher to produce a good student.
Because ( and this is all my personal point of view, based on my own
experience, form my personal perspective, no research etc) there is nothing so
difficult to teach as the extremely intelligent, very musical child who can
remember 'by ear' or worse still, finds out for herself the correlation
between finger and note on the page - and boy is it hard to unlearn that
 What say ye, all you other piano teachers out there, and is it any different
with other instruments?

hilary blue

janet paterson wrote:
> Reading, writing and rhythm
> (April 4, 2000 12:07 a.m. EDT - Imagine that someone assured you that having 4-year-old kids study the piano would improve their future performance in school. Would you expect that person, in the next breath, to try selling you the Brooklyn Bridge?