

Listmembers -
Quite honestly I'm glad to be seeing more and more Qs, As, pleas for info
&/or help from kids of PWP -
As I've said before, none of us, really, can imagine what it's like to watch
our spouse go through this illness, but as a child of... we deal with our own
set of issues -

Martha - this is a great place to be - it's like walking into the lobby of a
building and having someone greet you with an immediate smile, give you a
detailed diagram of the building and point you in the right direction - AND -
the building never closes!!!!

"Lurk" and learn...
"Send" and learn...
but above all - learn - education is your greatest ally and weapon

welcome -

and go to the CARE address above as well

  daughter of Dempsey-PWP (71/16+)
  & Jo Ann-CGiver