

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000 17:08:05 -0400 Cari Barrett <[log in to unmask]>


 Cari quotes me:

>  I have doses  at 9:15 PM, at 12:15 AM(after midnight),
> and at 3:45 AM.

Cari asked:   [OF WHAT - TASMAR OR SINEMET?]

My answer is: All three medications.

I just continue with my pattern--each of these three late-night doses
both Sinemet and SinemetCR partial pills. A half of a Tasmar 100mg is
either at 9:15 PM, or sometimes later, nearer to 11PM, and again, a half
of a Tasmar is taken at 3:45AM.

That specific Tasmar dose is taken with a substantial amount of
water,  and a little bit of juice, because it is VERY dry, and more
difficult to swallow when I am not very awake.

By the way, I only take Eldepryl (Selegeline Hydrochloride)
at 7:00 AM and 9:30 AM, again in half-tablets, because its
long half-life of 17 HOURS would keep me awake otherwise.
I believe one of its by-products is a methaphetamine or
methamphetamine-like molecule.

Thank you for asking,


> Anyway, again - thanks to all of you!
> Cari
>   daughter of Dempsey-PWP (71/16+)
>   & Jo Ann-CGiver

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       34 cold    deg. F   :-)