

 Dear Gerry,

Your letter comes at a challenging time, when I am trying to
find a new live-in helper, and avoid losing my home to taxes.

But I am strong, and keep my faith.

Please tell me what Brg's "AAA" surgery is.  I hope he
will recover.

I care very much about you. Please write, or just call
at 207-797-8488.  I hope your friends will help you to
get some rest from all the stress you are having.

:-)   I<<<<GH>>>>S  (BIG CYBERHUGS)

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000 07:19:19 -0400 Gerry & Brig Haines <[log in to unmask]>
> Ivan, Sorry it's been so long, Brig just had AAA surgery yesterday,
> in ICU
> but hanging on, it has really been a year so far, I had to go back
> to work
> full-time and have no time to breathe.  Every two weeks, I try to
> get on this
> thing and just read, not time to write, love you for all your work.
> Love you otherwise too.
> Gerry

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)