

I would suggest you read a little more about Nazi politics and policies.  They
were not considering the financial impacts of their actions.  They were
performing what today is called 'Ethnic cleansing' in order to purify the Aryan
race, and moral values had nothing to do with it.  Actually, ethnic cleansing
was and is a moral value in some societies, past and present.
Please do not misunderstand me, I am not challenging your values, only what you
try to attach to them.
Michel Margosis
'Carpe Diem'

Bent Willow wrote:

> A mere fifty year ago German authorities decided that sacrificing the disabled
> and mentally ill to alleviate the financial burden of their care by the strong
> and productive was the greater good.  Perhaps a stronger moral conscience on
> the part of those authorities would have not only saved those 'little ones,'
> but the millions that followed.