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Ask the Mayo Physician - Familial tremor</A> 
Current  Q uestion &  A nswer 

Category: Neurology | Topic: Familial tremor 
Q. My husband's hands shake. The Dr. calls it Familiar Shaking. Can you 
provide more information on this? 

Marilyn / Fla.

A. It sounds like your doctor is describing the familial form of essential 
tremor. Symptoms of this condition are outlined below. As you read, see if 
they relate to your husband's condition.

The initial and most prominent symptom is shaking of the hand(s), which 
begins in middle-aged or older people and slowly progresses over time. There 
may be an associated head or voice tremor. Voluntary movements such as eating 
or writing become jerky and uncoordinated. The tremor occurs with movement 
but is not present at rest or during sleep. It is made worse by stress, 
caffeine and other stimulants and often is lessened by alcohol, mild 
sedatives and relaxation.

People with these symptoms often are concerned about the possibility of 
Parkinson's disease. However, most people with essential tremor do not 
exhibit the other signs of Parkinson's disease, such as slowness of movement, 
loss of dexterity and reduced facial expression.

The cause of essential tremor is not known. In nearly half the cases, there 
is a family history of a similar tremor — when this history is present, the 
condition is referred to as a familial tremor. It generally is not a sign of 
early Parkinson's disease or of other, more serious neurologic problems. 
Medications used to treat Parkinson's disease are not of benefit.

Several relatively safe and effective treatment options are available, but 
none are curative. Since the goals of treatment are directed primarily at 
relieving symptoms, many people — especially those with relatively mild 
symptoms — prefer to avoid treatment.

daughter of Jim 77/72
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