

Hi Carol,

After almost 10 months since I had my pallodotomy I start having very light
dyskenisa'a. I am almost sure that it is from the increase of the quantity
of my medication. At first I reduced my medication with about 50 %. Slowly
I needed to take more and more and am after 10 months at the level of my
medication just before my surgery. Before my surgery I was so wild that I
could hardly eat. But now 10 months after my surgery I am not heaving that
bad dyskenia's as I had before. But I admit that I do have some. I use at
the moment 5 times a day : 1 Sinemet CR 100/25 with a comtan, and 1 permax
1.0 mg.. Besides that I take when I am off 1 Sinemet regular. I chew this
pill and drink orange juice with it. That makes it work faster.

Kees Paap