

Rick-- because I shared your concern about Cindi's departure I wrote to her
offlist. In that way I learned that she was in a terribly difficult
situation personally, with many losses  duing the past year, and thus very
easily offended and upset.  I have replied offlist to her rather unpleasant
letter to me, and given her some additional information she indicated she
needed--also urged her to reconsider the list.
It  was unfortunate that she dropped in on PIEN at a time when she was
personally at least as stressed as the members whose exchanges upset her!
Sorry this kind of thing happens--but I don't know how to avoid it, as we
are an open forum with no censor  and  a place where sometimes we "let it
all hang out".

>Rick here, an infrequent writer, with a short note. Not blaming anyone,
>just describing a situation. Following the recent flap apparently initiated
>by something a new poster, Cindi Israel, wrote on this list, Cindi left
>because she didn't like the "feel" of the list, couldn't believe all the
>bickering. She didn't write 10 "I'm leaving" messages. She just left what
>she felt was a not too friendly environment. Too bad, because she was
>looking for information and couldn't hear it because of all the noise.
>Rick 49/47

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

        also on PDWebring at :

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                        We agree to differ...
                                we resolve to love...
                                                   we  unite to serve.
                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***