

Camilla - I'm so glad you wrote to Cindi personally.  Sometimes if we
just try to put ourselves in others' shoes, we might walk a little
differently. I, myself got little testy with Hilary, and wish I hadn't
because she is going through so much right now, and her usual input is
informative and witty.  I think we need her as much as she needs us.
Wish someone could talk her into coming back.  Unfortunately, I got
crossways with Janet the very first time I ever posted in November, and
it seems to have set a precedent with her.  Now I delete her the minute I
see her name on the screen, because I'm to old to put up with such
nonsense. Let her "pick" on someone else.  It's too bad too, because she
always came across with such good information when  she was in a good
mood.  Anyway Camilla, you always seem to be so compassionate. Keep up
the good work. Please forgive me for unloading on you.  Jo Ann from