

Hi Cowboy: Good to hear from you. Sorry you're not feeling
well. How is your wife doing?     Carole

--- double a <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Gil, I also have severe chest pains which are caused by
> muscle spasms in my
> back - to the point I would wake up screaming at night.
> My dr just started
> me on a very strong muscle relaxer which I take before
> going to bed. I have
> had two nights of 8 hours of sleep in a row - that is the
> first time in 3
> yrs I've been able to do that. The only problem I have
> had is that I sleep
> so soundly I cant wake up to take my sinemet at 2am, so I
> am pretty off when
> I do wake up.
> tex

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