

Thanks, Margie.

When my mother tries to come off anything it's VERY slowly. For some reason,
she seems to need everything she's on. Thanks.

Debbie White

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> Dick was on Cogentin (similar to Artane) for many years.  Once he started
> seeing a movement disorder specialist, he was urged to come off
> the Cogentin,
> even though he was probably only 43 at the time.  He tried
> several times to
> stop the Cogentin, but felt so bad while withdrawing that he went
> back on it.
>  He was finally able to withdraw by cutting the little pills in
> fourths and
> taking 3/4 tablet for awhile, then 1/2, etc.  Maybe that would
> work for your
> mom.
> Margie Swindler     cg for Dick, 55/18